Planted 4th March 2024 Petroselinum crispum var. crispum (curly parsley) Pycnanthemum muticum (mountain mint) Coreopsis Moonbeam (tickseed) Calendula officinalis (pot marigold) Astrantia Roma Allium schoenoprasum (chives) Mentha spicata (mint) Encourage the Circle of Life in your garden! Predatory insects such as ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies will help keep aphids and other pests in check without you having to lift a finger.
This bed features some of the plants that will attract these useful bugs to your garden. Generally they prefer flowers with flat heads that can act as landing pads to make it easy for them to gather the pollen.
Planted 3rd March 2024 Macleaya Kelways Coral Plume (plume poppy) Rudbeckia Juligold (black eyed susan) Helianthus Sheila's Sunrise (perennial sunflower) Galega officinalis (goat's rue) Physostegia virginana rosea (obedient plant) Cephalaria gigantea (giant scabious) Salvia ulignosa (bog sage) Monarda Prairienacht (bee balm / bergamot) Monarda Pink Supreme (bee balm / bergamot) Francoa Pink Bouquet (wedding flower) Baptisia australis (blue false indigo) Campanula lactifolia Pritchards Variety (milky bellflower) Aconitum Sparks Variety (monk's hood) Aster frikartii Monch (michaelmas daisy) Veronicastrum virginianum Pink Glow A chance to shine for some of the plants we grow and sell!
These are types that are constrained by being grown in pots, and here we give them the root-space they need to look their best. Some do have large ultimate sizes, but others are just much happier growing in the ground than they are in pots. Planted 4th March 2024
Achillea Milly Rock Red Achillea New Vintage Red Achillea Terracotta Achillea Sassy Summer Sunset Achillea Tutti Fruitti Apricot Delight Agastache Liquorice White Agastache Black Adder Agastache Blue Fortune Agastache Fleur Agastache Little Adder Planted 3rd March 2024 The soil here in Newbourne and the surrounding area is sandy, stony and low in nutrients. Here we showcase some of the plants that should thrive in the dry conditions. The easiest way to garden is to work with the conditions you have! Salvia sclarea var turkestanica (clary sage)
Teucrium Purple Tails Echinops bannaticus Star Frost (globe thistle) Echinops ruthenicus Platinum Blue (globe thistle) Salvia forskaohlei (indigo woodland sage) Eryngium planum Blue Cap (sea holly) Phlomis tuberosa (jerusalem sage) Ballota pseudodictamnus Santolina rosmarinifolia (cotton lavender) Origanum Herrenhausen (marjoram) Planted 1st March 2024 Phlox divaricata subsp laphamii Chattahoochee Phlox paniculata Blue Paradise Phlox maculata Omega Phlox maculata Alpha Phlox paniculata Amethyst Phlox paniculata Flame Pink These fragrant cottage garden perennials can sometimes be overlooked by plant shoppers as they do not grow particularly well in pots, much preferring to spread their roots in garden borders.
This bed should give them the chance to show themselves at their best, and demonstrate the wide variety available. |
About the garden
The flower beds at Katie's Garden change at least once a year. Some are showcases of our favourite plants, some are for us to trial new varieties, and some are for showing off plants with purposes. Archives
April 2024
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