Herbaceous perennials - particularly the cottage garden favourites - are what you will find most of at Katie's Garden, the majority grown on our nursery.
Perennials are plants that come back year after year and are the floral mainstays of most gardens.
We have young plants in 1 litre pots for those on a budget, as well as a huge selection of more established plants in 2 or 3 litre pots: the vast majority are priced £3.99 to £7.99 each.
Among our extensive range are hardy Geraniums, hardy Fuchsias, Lupins, Penstemon, a wide choice of Salvia (sage family - including 'Hot Lips'), Verbenas (including the ever-popular ‘bonariensis’), Delphiniums, Hemerocallis (day lily) and Erysimum (shrubby wallflower).
Perennials are plants that come back year after year and are the floral mainstays of most gardens.
We have young plants in 1 litre pots for those on a budget, as well as a huge selection of more established plants in 2 or 3 litre pots: the vast majority are priced £3.99 to £7.99 each.
Among our extensive range are hardy Geraniums, hardy Fuchsias, Lupins, Penstemon, a wide choice of Salvia (sage family - including 'Hot Lips'), Verbenas (including the ever-popular ‘bonariensis’), Delphiniums, Hemerocallis (day lily) and Erysimum (shrubby wallflower).