One of our must-haves for spring ... and summer, and autumn. What we're trying to say is that these plants have a really long flowering season.
As featured in our 'Spring to Summer Transition' and 'Having it All' plant packs. Erysimum Bowles Mauve very quickly grows into an evergreen mound of 4ft height and spread. It is butterfly-friendly and flowers for most of the year. Stars n Stripes is another evergreen, a little smaller, with golden variegated leaves. For both of these, snip off old flower stems to keep new ones coming. They are big enough they can be planted singly. Scented Erysimum Pastel Patchwork and Erysimum Apricot Twist grow to around 2ft. When their first flowers finish, chop down the whole plant to about 6" and you will soon be rewarded with fresh growth and blooms. Ideally plant in groups of three or more. All £5.99 in 2 litre pots. Main picture: Stars n Stripes with Bowles Mauve behind (note most of our Bowles Mauve are yet to flower). Gallery pictures, from left: Apricot Twist (with Bowles Mauve plants on right); Pastel Patchwork; Stars n Stripes.
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